Message From Superintendent Minister – 31st May 2020


31st May 2020

We hope you’ve all enjoyed and benefitted from the ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ series, from Ascension Day to Pentecost Sunday (today). I, for one, really treasured each of the morning reflections led by different people from around the Circuit. I had a real focus to my praying, and I shall continue to bring my ‘five’ to God in prayer daily, until the time they come into that glorious awareness of God’s presence, power, love and peace, through Christ Jesus, by His Spirit.

We’d love to have your feedback on what worked well for you during Thy Kingdom Come, and especially if you have testimonies or stories of how God used this time to guide / lead / speak to you.

JUNE – BIBLE MONTH : The Book of Ruth

We are really excited for Bible Month this year, and as well as our weekly celebrations focussing each week on one for the four chapters which make up the book of Ruth, we have bible study groups which we’d love you to think of joining.

This flyer shows you when they are – and how to access them – please do try the one which best works for you – perhaps a different one each week. All are welcome.

Tomorrow, I am posting the first of four weekly introductions – beginning with an introduction to the Book of Ruth and some of the themes to look out for as we journey through. It would be helpful if you watch the introductory videos, and make some notes, if that’s helpful, for discussion in the groups during the week.

Watch out for emails, and for posts on our Circuit Facebook Page (Chorley and Leyland Methodist), where there will be regular updates and reflections during this coming week, to get us going.

There are resources we recommend, if you are looking forward to getting the most out of this month – both can be downloaded (to read on your devices) – or ordered for a hard copy. I have three spare copies of Mark Greene’s (LICC) Study Book on Ruth : Drawing on a Deeper Love (cost around £3.50), if anyone would like to have one – first come, first served.

Bible Month magazine, designed by The Methodist Church:

‘Ruth : Drawing on a Deeper Love’ by Mark Greene (six-session bible study (which we’re going to do in five sessions))
(e-book is £2.00 (on sale, currently))

It is not necessary to have either of these books to engage with the midweek sessions, although you may find it helpful to have one as you work your way through – it has space for writing your own answers / reflections.

I strongly believe that this short story, at the heart of the Old Testament, has rich blessings and a surprising wealth of teaching for us regarding our own peculiar and unprecedented times.

Do join with us on this exciting and revealing journey of discovery, along with Naomi, Orpah, Ruth, Boaz and the community within a small town on the outskirts of Jerusalem – a ‘little town of Bethlehem’.

God bless you, today.